I've been involved with

Relevant Coursework
Software Developement Fundamentals
Computer Organisation and Architecture
Database Management
Data Structure
Web Developement Fundamentals
Algorithm and Problem solving
Computer Network
Probablity and Random Processess
Machine Learning Fundamentals
Logical Reasoning and Inequalities

Dell Inspiron 3542, Macbook Air, Moto G Turbo, Nokia 6.1.

Programming stuff
Python, SQL (I'm weak) , C++, DHCP, Network Troubleshooting, git, tmux, Django (Beginner), GCP(Decent).
Get In Tuch
If you have something you'd like to work upon by collaborating with Anmol, fill out the contact form and I'll surely get back to you within a weeek. If you have my mobile number, Drop a call if urgent.